Steve Norman porta la musica degli Spandau Ballet in Italia

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Il dj set con Claudio Ciccone a Cattolica il 6 maggio 2017

Steve Norman

Steve Norman

Steve Norman co fondatore e sassofonista degli Spandau ballet proporrà al Bikini disco dinner di Cattolica (c/o Parco Le Navi) un live set ultra energetico insieme al dj Claudio Ciccone Bros per la prima data della tourneè 2017. La popstar degli anni 80 si esibirà in uno spettacolo all’insegna della musica dove ci sarà tempo anche per un viaggio attraverso i grandi successi degli Spandau Ballet rivisitati in chiave moderna. Tra sonorità post romantic, electropop soul e fusion.

Abbiamo intervistato il musicista considerato tra i più versatili del nostro tempo.

When you formed Spandau Ballet, did you expect such an international success?

“I believe that whenever young kids form bands at school the main things besides the music that goes through their minds is the dream of playing on stage in front of large audiences, having girls swooning at their feet, being the new Beatles, the fame that it brings, etc. And if I’m honest, it wasn’t so different for us teenage Spandaus. However, all bands get brought down to earth at some point as reality kicks in and the realisation that the dream may be just that…a dream. Every band needs talent, vision, a good team, dedicated fans and a little luck to continue to make a mark in this business. Thankfully, we must have been doing something right.

What is your most beautiful memory tied to the Spandau? What do you miss the most about those times?
“Actually, the times I treasure most are when we are together these days. The sense of humour reverts back to the 70s when we were young and insecure. The jokes may be the same, the roles the same but we are adults now with a huge amount of respect for each other.”

You have introduced the sax into the music of the Spandau,  which is you sax solo that makes you more emotional and you never tire of playing it over and over?
“I don’t have a favourite solo. The ‘True’ solo is obviously special to me as people seem to have taken it to their hearts. But if I don’t feel some kind of emotional jerk when I play any solo then I feel dissatisfied with myself.”

How has music changed from the 80’s to today?
“I don’t want to sound negative about current music as there is so much good stuff out there. But I do get annoyed when I hear the charts and so many musicians have chosen a production line approach, i.e using the same ‘hitmaker’ producers, the same musical tricks and ideas that their contemporaries are using, maxing out the signal so it sounds loudest on the radio to the detriment of the dynamics of the tune or recording, etc.. The result is that the production makes them sound very similar. It’s style over content.

STEVE NORMAN 3What sounds do you like most today?
“Anything that sounds unique and fresh. That’s one reason why Adele became so popular. She came along and was a breath of fresh air when everyone else was trying to sound like Rihanna.”

How was Station to Station project and how did you feel about working together with the members of David Bowie band?
“As a Bowie fan can you imagine how excited I was to be performing with Earl Slick, Bowie’s ‘go to’ guitarist? As a Rolling Stones fan, the same goes for Bernard Fowler who has been the Stones’ backing singer for over 35 years. And then there’s Gail Anne Dorsey, Tony Visconti, Woody Woodmansey, Mike Garson, etc. whom I’ve also performed alongside. After all these years, I am still a fan of music and musicians and proud to admit it.”It was a most brilliant tour and I’d love to do more with Slicky and ‘B’.

Tell us about your dj sets with Claudio Ciccone.
“I adore Claudio. We have played together so many times now that we have an almost telepathic connection on stage, he seems to know what I’m thinking such as when to bring in the next tune or to loop the current one. He has a similar energy to myself too onstage which only helps in boosting the excitement levels. He is also forward thinking, not immersed in retro for retro’s sake. I feel that we are bringing some of those fabulous tunes of the 80s up to date via the dance floor.”Hi sister, Alessia Ciccone, who plays alto sax has been the our support act in Italy for many shows now.”
 Upcoming projects?
“I am currently writing songs and working on an acoustic show. But I intend to carry on with the DJ sets as I love it so much.”

STEVE NORMAN 2Will there be a reunion with the Spandau?
“Sadly, after all the hard work we put in over the past two or three years in moving forward, the Spandau juggernaut has come to a halt. However, I do feel in my heart that this is temporary and I remain hopeful that we will get the beast rolling again.”

How do you feel in Italy? What do you like most about this country?
“There is so much that I love about Italy. Of course, there is the culture, the beauty, the food, etc. But it all comes down to people after all and the Italian fans are some of the most passionate and loyal Spandau fans on the planet. They really took Spandau to its heart. I love the beat of the Italian heart.
11.  You worked with many leading artists: Byron Stingily, Frankie Knuckles, Angie Brown, Steve Edwards, Alison Limerick, Jeremy Healy and Brandon Block, did you have any special artistic chemistry with any of them?
I always have an artistic chemistry with those I perform with. That’s why I do this. What’s the point in doing it otherwise?”

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